Hi there!
Today i want to share 2 cards that are published in Paper Crafts Card Creations Vol 10. It just came out in stores! It is a great issue, in fact i already used it for inspiration earlier this week (more details on that to come tomorrow!)
The 1st card is a Mother's Day card:
And the 2nd a Christmas Card!!
Speaking of Christmas, now that my classes are over for the semester, i will be making a lot more cards. I know my fall is going to be really busy so i am going to start making Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas cards now!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Congratulations on your pubs! That's awesome news :) And I love both these cards - especially that fun ruffle detail on the Christmas card. And wait a second, making cards for upcoming holidays ahead of time? Every year I say I will.....and then I never do. Lifetime last-minute Lucy habits are hard to break :)